Mohamed Nassar

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Student: Mohamed Nassar
Title: Security of Voice services over Internet - new generation
Affiliation: INRIA
Supervisor: Olivier Festor, Radu State
Start: 2005
End: 2008
Funding: MESR: Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur

et de la Recherche - France.


PhD project description

The transmission of voice over packet switched networks is one of the most important emergent technologies in today's telecommunication world. Voice over IP (VoIP) ensures cost reduction, ease of management and simplicity of deployment but it introduces many security risks. The objectives of my thesis are:

  • Threats identification and classification
  • Studying the employed defense mechanisms at present and the proposed approaches in research and industry communities.
  • Providing conceptual approaches to intrusion detection, reconnaissance, attack analysis, and security event correlation in a VoIP context.
  • Developing a practical intrusion detection approach and implement it in a VoIP test bed within realistic conditions to be verified, corrected and validated.

Until now, we have proposed an IDS that analyzes the traffic of the SIP protocol basing on a Bayes model. Also, we have proposed a specified VoIP honeypot design and a security event correlation architecture dealing with heterogeneous VoIP agents and protocols.


  1. Mohamed Nassar, Radu State, and Olivier Festor. Intrusion detections mechanisms for voip applications. In Third annual VOIP security workshop (VSW'06). ACM Press, June 2006
  2. Mohamed Nassar, Radu State, and Olivier Festor. Voip honeypot architecture. Going to appear in the 10th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on integrated Management (IM'06), May 2007

Additional information

External links

  • [_URL_ Homepage] of Mohamed Nassar
  • Publications of Mohamed Nassar, as indexed by DBLP