Radhika Garg

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Student: Radhika Garg
e-mail: garg@ifi.uzh.ch
Affiliation: University of Zurich, CSG group
Supervisor: Dr. B. Stiller
Start: 1 February 2013
End: -


Radhika Garg holds a Dipl. Inform. (equivalent to Master of Science, MSc) degree in computer science with concentration in software systems which she received in 2013 from the University of Zurich. In the same year, she joined Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller’s Communication Systems Group (CSG) at the University of Zurich as a doctoral student. She is currently working in the EU Network of Excellence "Management of the Future Internet" (FLAMINGO) where her work concentrates on analyzing economic, legal, and regulative constraints in the area of network and service management. Her current research work is on technical, legal, and business aspects of cloud services.

PhD project description

Recent publications

External links