IFIP WG6.6 mailing list

  • The IFIP WG6.6 mailing list can be used by its members to announce important events, such as Call for Papers and Conference announcements, as well as discussions in the area of network and service management.

To subscribe

  • To subscribe to the IFIP WG6.6 mailing list, send in the body of an email message the command
        subscribe ifip_nm
    to listserv@lists.utwente.nl. After sending this email, you will receive several minutes later a response email with further instruction.

To post a message

Mailing list archives

  • To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the ifip_nm archives. Note that the archives are only available to the list members.

To unsubscribe

  • To unsubscribe from the IFIP WG6.6 mailing list, send in the body of an email message the command
        signoff ifip_nm
    to listserv@lists.utwente.nl.